• Compassionate Connecting

    Guiding Toward Wholeness, Connection and Integration

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    Connection Tree of Life

    A Relational Metaphor of the Human Psyche

  • Connection is a symphony of mutual understanding

    A shared appreciation of the harmonies co-created between two or more souls

    cooperation, collaboration and celebration

    Why Connection?

    • because we have a longing for connection - to know that we’ve been gotten, and we get the heart of what is being expressed
    • to find emotional liberation supporting the discovery, connection to and expression of our authentic self — freeing ourselves from violent reactivity and appeasement to an egocentric culture
    • to re-discover our innate participation, dependence and belonging to an evolving world in desperate need of eco-awakening, fully accepting our Earth-rooted humanity
    • to discover, cultivate and contribute our unique gifts to our communities and our shared ecology
    • to fully engage in the conversation of life that arises through the dream of the Earth, remembering our individually unique place in the emergent universe
    • to share the stories worth remembering
    Photo by Adrea Dore'

    What landscapes of practice are inherited in this work?

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    Needs Flower of Life

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  • Bio

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     James Prieto

    Author, Poet, CNVC Certified NVC Trainer, Wild Heart Personal Development Guide

    Guiding towards wholeness, connection and integration of our natural selves by cultivating inner-resources, self-healing, and compassionate communication (NVC).

    James has a Center for Nonviolent Communication trainer certification (cnvc.org) and is certified by the Animas Valley Institute as a Wild Mind Practitioner (animas.org).


    James started his career in electrical and computer engineering, satellite communications, and Agile development. After three decades in the technology industry, he unplugged to contribute to the world he'd like to live in. Click here for an extended bio.

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  • "Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a way to focus our attention in ways that support compassionate giving and receiving."

    Marshall Rosenberg

    "From now on, I choose to empathically connect with others so that I can fully respect the unique and holy experience to be found in each person every moment."

    Marshall Rosenberg, excerpt from the poem "From Now On"

    "From now on, I choose to have my actions flow from connection with nature and to direct my attention where it supports this flow."

    Marshall Rosenberg, excerpt from the poem "From Now On"

    "Our untapped inner resources are essential to the flowering of our greatest potentials, to the actualization of our true selves, and to the embodiment of the life of our very souls."

    Bill Plotking, from "Wild Mind - Field Guide to the Human Psyche"

    "God picks up the reed-flute world and blows. Each note is a need coming through one of us, a passion, a longing-pain. Remember the lips where the wind-breath originated, and let your note be clear. Don’t try to end it. Be your note."

    Excerpt by Rumi in EACH NOTE

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